Skin Care
Dermal Filler
Youth Vaccine Application
What is H-100?
The youth serum named H-100 is a mesotherapy. With rich essential amino acids, hyaluronic acid, mannitol, minerals and vitamins it contains, it is applied as a supportive treatment method in providing the moisture that the skin needs more as it ages, reducing the loss of elasticity and sagging on the skin. It helps in increasing the quality of the skin and the skin to look more rejuvenated. Collagen, which the skin loses with aging, is also one of the building blocks of the skin. The application allows the skin to be moist and bright since it is applied through injection as well as triggering new collagen production. Unlike other rejuvenation serums, H-100 serum contains mannitol, which is one of the most effective antioxidants and moisturizers; thus, extending the life of hyaluronic acid in the tissue.
How to apply H-100?
For the application of the H-100 vaccine, which is a mesotherapy method, the skin is cleaned and topical anesthetic is applied as in other mesotherapies. Topical Anesthetics are left under stretch for 30 minutes. Then, the skin is disinfected from the topical. After the completion of the disinfection process, the H-100 vaccine is injected into the skin at intervals of 1-2 cm into the whole area of application. Very thin needles are used in the H-100 application. Pain, aches and stings are at the lowest level since the needles are very thin and local anesthesia is applied beforehand.
ve öncesinde lokal anestezi uygulandığından ağrı, acı, sızı hissi en alt seviyededir.
How often and to whom could H-100 be applied?
H-100 can be applied to all female and male individuals who want to increase the quality of their skin and want their skin to look more rejuvenated and bright. The H-100 vaccine can be applied in 5 sessions based on the person's loss of moisture and elasticity. The intervals between the sessions should be 2 or 3 weeks. It is applied on the face, neck, hand, jowl and decollate areas.
2021. | Tüm Hakları Saklıdır.